Our junior students are invited to Grand Master Clive Harrison’s Family TaeKwon-Do Junior Competition! This open (meaning open to all TaeKwon-Do organisations) competition is for all students aged under 18. It will be taking place on Sunday 29th May (doors open 9:00am, all those sparring will need to be there for height testing at 9:30am with the competition commencing at 10:15am) at Tewkesbury School Sports Centre, The School House, Ashchurch Road, Tewkesbury GL20 8DF.
To enter, you need to complete an entry form, hand it to Mr Martin and pay the entry fee of £20 per competitor to our BTS account (where you pay for licences and gradings). Please go to the ITC Website to view information on the event – at the bottom of this page you will see links to download various documents (including the rules for ITC competitions) – to download the form click on the ‘ITC Individual and Family Competitor Entry Form’.
If your child is entering to spar, please ensure all of their sparring equipment fits well and has no rips or tears (full sparring kit needed for competitions consists of: head guard, gloves, foot protectors, shin guards, gum shield and for males a groin guard). Anyone needing new kit please speak to Master Martin ASAP.
Spectators will pay £5 cash on the door to enter.