If any of your details change (e.g. your home address or mobile number) please use this form to send us your correct, up-to-date details. If you want to pay for your yearly licence renewal using online banking (BACS transfer) we will use the mobile number you provide to verify who you are before sending you our account details.
Please note, licence renewal money must NOT be sent to the same account where you pay your monthly subscription fees! Payment must ONLY be made to the Bristol TaeKwon-Do Schools account using the details we provide – this account can accept payments for TaeKwon-Do licences, gradings, competitions and officials courses.
When making a payment via BACS transfer for a licence it is VERY IMPORTANT that you include a reference of the surname of the student whose licence you are renewing, as well as the word ‘LICENCE’. If this is not done we may not be able to find your payment!
Please review our Privacy Policy before submitting any personal data.