Grading Entry Form

Coloured Belt Grading Entry Form

Please review our Privacy Policy before submitting personal data.

    Dates of all forthcoming gradings are shown in the TAGB Gradings section of the website.

    Please enter the first name of the Student wishing to grade.

    Select Student's Club*

    Bristol North (Bradley Stoke)Bristol South (Hengrove)Bristol South (Southville)

    Has this student taken and been told they have passed a pre-grading? YESNO

    Once this form has been submitted you must proceed immediately to make the BACS payment to our B.T.S. account for the sum of £28 per student entered into the grading. The student will NOT be entered into the grading until payment is received (no later that THREE DAYS prior to the grading).

    If you do not already have the bank account details for our B.T.S. account (this is NOT where subs are paid!) then please contact us.

    Send me a copy