Saturday 4th December, St Joseph’s Catholic College, Ocotal Way, Swindon, SN3 3LR. Cost £22 per student (no matter how many events they enter) £5 spectators (under 5s free). 9am registration start, 10am competition start.
We are now taking entries for this competition. This is a small local competition (roughly 250 competitors) so should serve as a great introduction to us for the ITC open competition scene. Open means it is open to ALL – those who aren’t members of the ITC (which all of our students are) can enter with an extra charge for insurance.
There will be patterns, sparring and destruction (blue belts and above, 18+) events.
The divisions are split into Junior (under 18) Adult and Veterans (optional for over 35). All divisions are split male/female. Those over 35 can enter BOTH veterans and adults if you wish! The junior divisions are then categorised by height and adults and veterans are split by weight.
There is lots of information on the ITC website – follow this link to find out more. You can download the entry form from that page and you can also get to it by clicking on this link
To enter, please fill in one entry form for each competitor and hand it to Mr Martin. Electronic copies can be emailed to speed things up but we will still need the signed hard copy please. Then please send the entry fee of £22 per student entering (no matter how many events each student wishes to take part in) Via BACS transfer to the Bristol TaeKwon-Do Schools account – the same place that gradings and licences are paid (text Mr Martin if you’re unsure). Spectators will pay the £5 entry fee on the day (cash preferred but card payment will be available).
Those entering for sparring must ensure they have a full set of sparring equipment (including gum shield) with no rips or tears.
This will clearly be a different kind of tournament to the ones that we are used to. This is no bad thing. The other tournaments were overbearing monstrosities! This will be more intimate and more fun. Come and take part or come and watch; get a feeling of what we’re a part of now. Suzi and I will both be there, as will many other members of Revolution TaeKwon-Do who have already entered.
Long live the Revolution!