World Championships 2016 – Our Results


Country teams ready to start at the 2016 World Championships – credit Ian Cook

On July 16th and 17th 2016 the TAGB played host to TaeKwon-Do competitors from around the world for the TaeKwon-Do International World Championships which were held at the Barclaycard Arena in Birmingham. 

kidsatworldchampsOur clubs sent along a total of 27 competitors covering all ages and grades, from the most inexperienced tournament goers to er.. the more seasoned! Our assistant instructor Mrs Di Weare was also there acting as a welfare officer dealing with a few tears along the way (and that was just the adults!). A fantastic weekend was had – so much so that the TAGB has been asked to host the next world championships which will take place in 2018!

Our clubs’ final medal tally from the world championships was as follows:
Habeeb Cole-Akanni (North) Bronze green belt boys heavyweight sparring
Ramat Cole-Akanni (North) Bronze green belt cadet female middle weight sparring
Leo-Jay Friendship (South) Bronze yellow belt boys lightweight sparring
Lauren Macauley (South) GOLD red belt ladies light heavyweight sparring and Silver ladies blue/red tag team.
Eve Schofield (South) Bronze green belt ladies light heavyweight sparring
Bastien Sparacca (South) Bronze green belt men’s heavyweight sparring
Adam Stoneman (South) Bronze red belt cadet male light heavyweight sparring

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