We know how disappointing it was that there were no English or Welsh Championships this year, so for the kids at least here is the opportunity for a bit of competitive fun (albeit from your own front rooms / gardens / local park).
This is a patterns competition with a difference! Open to all West of England students aged 15 and under, you will film yourself (or better still get someone to help you) performing the pattern of your grade – there’s a list to see in the pack – click here to download. This competition is a little different in that we’re also opening it up to 10th kup white belts who can perform either Sajo Jirugi 1 or 2.
You will then go to the South West TaeKwon-Do website and upload your pattern. We’d also really like it if you donated to our Just Giving page which is raising money for the NHS charities together. A suggested amount would be £5 per student but it’s totally up to you and is completely voluntary.
Your video can be uploaded between Monday 25th and Friday 29th May. Please note you can only upload ONE video – if you upload more than one, only the first one will be accepted (so make it a good one!). All the videos will then be viewed by an officiating panel on Sunday 31st May who, just like at ‘real’ tournaments, will mark each pattern and these will be totalled up for each competitor – highest score for each division wins! There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for each division, boys and girls will be in together. Trophies will be awarded once we can all be back together again!
Entrants must be in white doboks with belts.
Each entrant will be sent an e-certificate of participation.
Tips for a good video: Just like when zooming, it’s important that you get the whole of you in shot at all times – do some practice run throughs first! If you can it would be a really good idea to get your camera/phone/laptop held on a tripod or sat on something that isn’t going to move or wobble! Good lighting is important – don’t be in a dark place with a bright light source (e.g. window) behind you – you’ll just be a silhouette! Some of the best videos are actually filmed outside (where you’re more likely to have more space and not need to hop about as much) – the lighting is obviously better! Do make sure you’re not going to hurt your feet (you ideally need to be barefoot in order to show off the correct foot positions and stances) or twist your ankles dropping into unseen potholes! The maximum file size for the video you can upload is 140mb which should be enough for most patterns – if your file is too large you can normally choose to compress it on your device so you can make it smaller.
Oh and STANCES! POWER! DON’T RUSH – COMPLETE EVERY MOVEMENT! Remember we have a selection of videos of Mr Martin giving a run through of the coloured belt patterns plus tips and tricks for how to make yours even better – on the syllabus pages (go to members pages, syllabus, select your grade) and on our YouTube channel. Watch them!
Black Belts who are qualified to officiate – please can you help? We need volunteers to officiate – you will need time available on Sunday 31st May to watch all the patterns for a division – so ideally you need a PC that you can view them on. If you would like to volunteer please go to the South West TaeKwon-Do website to sign up by Friday 29th May – officials will be selected and informed on Saturday 30th May. Thank you for your help!